Baby Name Rankings of Abdullah

Abdullah: Statistics About The Baby Name Abdullah

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20237733300.0180% ***
20227893180.0171% ***
20219842210.0119% ***
20208102850.0155% ***
20197333260.0171% ***
20186883500.0181% ***
20177223300.0168% ***
20166474060.0201% ***
20156543920.0193% ***
20146344110.0202% ***
20136523690.0184% ***
20127473030.0151% ***
20117622910.0145% ***
20108992250.0111% ***
20098352560.0122% ***
20089532080.0097% ***
20078942200.0101% ***
20068882160.0100% ***
20058832020.0097% ***
20048951890.0091% ***
20038881890.0091% ***
20027512290.0111% ***
20017822150.0104% ***
20008691810.0087% ***
19997782030.0100% ***
19988971600.0079% ***
19969741290.0064% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.